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Caithness Chamber Of Commerce

Caithness Chamber of Commerce

Caithness Chamber of Commerce was first established in the 1970s by a group of local business entrepreneurs. In the late 1980s it embarked on a campaign to secure improvements to the A9, the main arterial road serving the North Highland’s area. Thanks to this far-sighted effort, only now is the region enjoying some of the arising benefits. In late 2008 a new company limited by guarantee was formed and, with initial funding from Highlands and Islands Enterprise of £150,000, the Caithness Chamber of Commerce was relaunched with a full time Chief Executive and a new structure. Further staff were recruited with a three year £120,000 funding award from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. Today, the Chamber is the foremost business networking organisation in the North Highlands and aims to support every type of business, from sole traders and small businesses to large corporate companies. Our members are drawn from a vast range of industry sectors including energy, tourism, retail, transport, food and drink and manufacturing. Tailoring services to members, Caithness Chamber of Commerce has developed a valuable portfolio of added value services to boost the business success of members. The Chamber also stages a number of events throughout the year to facilitate the vital interaction between business owners and managers. The annual Chamber of Commerce dinner is the highlight of the year at which past keynote speakers have included such key business leaders as Sir Tom Farmer and politicians including the Chief Secretary to the Treasury and the Secretary of State for Scotland. As a Chamber member you will enjoy a range of exclusive business to business deals and benefits. Naver Business Centre, Naver House, Naver Road, Thurso, KW14 7QA

Areas Covered: Highland

Telephone number: 01847 890076


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